Monday, August 17, 2015

Aging-The Basic Human Cycle Unveiled

Three and a half billion years ago, humans came into existence, as the scientists have calculated. Since then, there has not been a single human being who has lived since then. Humans have a limited time in life, much like everything else in the universe. With the onset of adulthood, the process of aging starts instantly and the end result of which is death. The process of aging is neither avoidable nor reversible, as an anti-aging expert likes to say.
For most of the people out there, aging is merely the appearance of wrinkles on the face and deficient memory cells. This is not the case. The process of aging is a very complex issue and need to be studied properly to deal with aging accordingly. Having an adequate knowledge about the causes and effects of aging can lead to better health steps in the aging process, says an anti-aging expert.
Therefore, in the following lines, I am going to unveil the basic human cycle and the process of aging in its true meaning.

What Is Aging?
Imagine it in the way of the life of a machine. It is built by hard work and discoveries, starts acting upon the needs and with the passage of time, wears off. Much like this machine, human beings too start up healthy and fresh. With the passage of time, they get into responsibilities and ups and downs of life and with that comes the process of aging; making a living man much like a dead person.
The process of aging starts with the onset of adulthood. It starts with the generally tiredness and fatigue in the muscles. With it comes the more urge to sleep and rest well. After that the signs of aging start appearing on the skin in the form of wrinkles, spots and pigmentations. With it, the body becomes more prone to diseases whether it’s a heart disease or a brain disorder. The last events include having reduced memory and weak nervous system. This is the process of aging in its true sense. What differences it makes is discussed next.
What Difference It Makes?
The aging process alters the whole functioning of the body; even though it does so slowly but it really changes the whole pattern of the functioning of your body. Whether it’s your heart or your brain, it’s your stomach or your intestine or any other part of your body. Every cell of your body gets weaker with time. So, don’t think that if you have got a heart disease, your brain cells haven’t weakened.
How to Handle It?
Knowing all of the facts stated above, this will be your next question. The answer to this is simple. To avoid the process of aging or even to slow it down, you have to eat healthy foods like proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid the damaging foods like fats, processed foods and refined carbohydrates. This you will do and there are chances that you will be healthier in older year than most of the people.
Growing Healthier:
Growing healthier is not an easy task; especially in this age of processed foods and refined and synthetic compounds. Therefore, you can live a very normal and healthier life by just developing some new habits and by making healthier choices. The choice is yours to make. I do wish you best of luck!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Aging Fast? Here’s What to Do?

I have met a lot of people who have worked so hard in their lives and achieved so much. However, despite all the money they have made and work they have done, they surely age fast. The time for the start of process of aging somewhat varies person to person, says an anti-aging expert. It depends upon the amount of work your body does and how much you allow it to relax and carry up its normal body functioning.
Therefore, if you are aging fast and are observing the signs of aging such as the tiredness in the morning or the pain in your head or the weakness in your arms, then you must be aging fast. But, there is no need to worry as it is never too late to get your body to its normal functioning and slow down the process of aging. The anti-aging expert I asked some questions from told me that with the process of aging, the capacity of the body to do work decreases. Therefore, it is better to start giving breaks to your body time to time.
Relax Your Body:
Our body may seem a type of a very complex machine whose control resides in the brain and which is able to every type of movement. That is not totally true. Our body needs time for it to relax. It needs to repair itself, destroy damaging cells, make new cells, and restore proper functioning and work up the organs to let it going. Therefore, you must give time for your body to relax. Make a new habit; start a new novel, ride a cycle, meet some people. Just take some time off your regular routine. This will slow down your aging process and make your body younger and fresher.
Do Light Exercise:
Exercise is another thing you can do for your body organs to remain active and regulated. What you have to do is to do some light exercise. Make a habit of a morning or an evening walk. Do some pull ups. Ride a cycle. These exercises will keep your organs active as in exercise; almost all of the body organs are involved. In addition to this, this will also keep you active and drive away the laziness, which is yet another sign of your fast aging process. So exercise and keep your body working.
Get Regular Check-Ups:
Aging fast not only pops up some spots and wrinkles on your skin, but also decreases the efficiency of your body organs to work normally. Therefore, you should have regular check-ups with your doctor so that any damage done to your body should be discovered before it gets too late. This will also keep your doctor well aware of your condition and prescribe you medicines and give you advices accordingly.
Nothing to Worry:
Even though your body starts showing the signs of aging, while you have so many responsibilities on your shoulders, you need not worry. You don’t have to take stress and that’s the key to the solution of this problem. Studies show that stress and hyper-tension are the fastest way towards aging.
So, lift up your chin, and face the responsibilities in your life. Stay happy, Stay younger always.
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